Watch Full Metegol in High Quality Video
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play full Metegol in High Quality Video with duration 106 Min and was released on 2013-07-18 with MPAA rating is 32.
- Original Title : Metegol
- Movie title in your country : Metegol
- Year of movie : 2013
- Genres of movie : Adventure, Animation, Romance,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2013-07-18
- Companies of movie : Atresmedia Cine, 100 Bares, Ministerio de Cultura, Instituto de Credito Oficial (ICO), Television Federal (Telefe), 369 Productions, Catmandu Branded Entertainment, JEMPSA, Plural - Jempsa, Prana Animation Studios,
- Countries of movie : Argentina, Spain,
- Language of movie : Espanol, English,
- Durationof movie : 106 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.1
- Youtube ID of movie : aymhLsyy3TY
- Translation of movie : ES,EN,DE,PT,TR,EL,IT,ZH,HE,FR,PL,RU,
- Actors of movie :
- Juan Jose Campanella ( Eusebio (voice) )
- Diego Ramos ( Grosso (voice) )
- Pablo Rago ( Capi (voice) )
- Axel Kuschevatzky ( Intendente (voice) )
- David Masajnik ( Amadeo (voice) )
- Mariana Otero ( Joven Grosso (voice) )
- Diego Mesaglio ( Central Liso (voice) )
- Lucia Maciel ( Laura (voice) )
- Marcos Mundstock ( Ermitano (voice) )
- Ernesto Claudio ( Priest (voice) )
- Miguel Angel Rodriguez ( Capitan Liso (voice) )
- Coco Sily ( Manager (voice) )
- Fabian Gianola ( Beto (voice) )
- Sebastian Mogordoy ( El Pulpo (voice) )
- Gabriel Almiron ( Malparitti II (voice) )
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Movie plot of Metegol :Play full Metegol in HD Video with movie plot "In the small village where Amadeo lives there is no one good enough to challenge his skills at Table Football. But, while Amadeo may be a genius as a table football player in real life he's a loser. He's in love with Lara, his childhood friend, but he's so shy that he can't bring himself to confess his love for her. So he just hangs out in his quaint, timeless village. When Amadeo beats the village bully Flash at Table Football. The scene is set for an epic rivalry. Consumed with anger Flash vows to get even and 10 years later he returns as an International Superstar, a Football Icon and Galatico determined to wreak his revenge." in best quality. Release Metegol in High Definition Format by clicking the button above.
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Director : Juan Jose Campanella, Musical : Emilio Kauderer, Screenplay : Eduardo Sacheri, Screenplay : Axel Kuschevatzky, Screenplay : Juan Jose Campanella, Of course, now you can watch movie of
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Tags: underdog, sport, football match, rivals,
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