Full Streaming Dinosaur in High Quality Video
Now you can
enjoy Dinosaur in HD format with duration 82 Min and was published in 2000-05-13 and MPAA rating is 116.
- Original Title : Dinosaur
- Movie title in your country : Dinosaur
- Year of movie : 2000
- Genres of movie : Animation, Family,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2000-05-13
- Companies of movie : Walt Disney Pictures, Walt Disney Feature Animation,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 82 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.2
- Youtube ID of movie : JuEeYemi-74
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,IT,NL,PT,FR,SV,DA,ZH,ES,RU,PL,CS,TR,HU,FI,HE,NO,SK,JA,
- Cast of movie :
- D.B. Sweeney ( Aladar )
- Alfre Woodard ( Plio )
- Ossie Davis ( Yar )
- Max Casella ( Zini )
- Hayden Panettiere ( Suri )
- Samuel E. Wright ( Kron )
- Julianna Margulies ( Neera )
- Peter Siragusa ( Bruton )
- Joan Plowright ( Baylene )
- Della Reese ( Eema )
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Movie summary of Dinosaur :Watch full Dinosaur in High Definition Format with movie synopsis "An orphaned dinosaur raised by lemurs joins an arduous trek to a sancturary after a meteorite shower destroys his family home." in top video format. Watch full Dinosaur in High Quality Video by clicking the button above.
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Director : Ralph Zondag, Director : Eric Leighton, Production Supervisor : Pam Marsden, Producer : Baker Bloodworth, Screenplay : John Harrison, Editor : Don Thompson, Producer : Pam Marsden, Original Music Composer : James Newton Howard, Editor : H. Lee Peterson, Director of Photography : David R. Hardberger, Yes, now you can watch movie associated with
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